many a time, i've picked up calls from parents who wish to speak to the psychiatrists (or better known in laymen's terms as "doctors") here. their tone of voice indicated a confidence that they've built a strong rapport with the doctors and held no doubt the doctors will immediately answer their calls.
initially, i get a bit bewildered. how can i possibly pass the call to the doctors? i mean, they're definitely busy seeing their current patients. later, i get a bit perplexed and annoyed. why? some speak to me like i'm an idiot who doesnt understand how the doctor is oh so very concerned about their child after i politely tell them the doctor is unavailable. "dr so and so told me this. dr so and so wants me to do this and this." urgh.
they sound like disillusioned lovers i tell you.
little things like such phone calls make me think that these doctors are similar to shrewd people who are able to handle several lovers at a time. da kind where they are able to persuade and convince their lovers that so and so are their only true love but are actually going around jumping from one bed to the next. some of you may vehemently disagree and think it's a bad analogy. but hey, it DOES seem that way to me at times.
yea. mundane rumblings. oh well.
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