Wednesday, May 31, 2006

heart full of lies.

bit by bit i'm coming across words, tales, stories of woe written or told by other people about characteristics similar to a person i encountered some years ago.

it's scary.

ann rule wrote a book entitled above. reading the book didnt exactly give me the chills. it was a quite riveting read just because of the uncanny resemblance in behaviour between the person written about and the person encountered.

i guess i have a penchant for crime stories, especially after my friend introduced me to . i do prefer thrillers to let's say, romance novels. however, there is a difference between fact and fiction. the sheer magnitude of travesty committed to the victims themselves is just so appalling. it's disgusting and it really boggles most minds. i suppose it's unimaginable to most people. why do i say most? mainly because there are those who are i) pretty nonchalant ii) too preoccupied with their own woes (real or imagined). i believe it does take a shrewd mind to be able to execute some of those macabre acts on others. it takes some intelligence to take the risk and find ways to escape detection. inability to understand and empathise with others are flaws we all have in varying degrees. but (to put it crudely) such acts really take the cake.

sometimes, to the general public, such people do not get the punishment they deserve (IF they actually get convicted). the female written about in the book received less than 15 years imprisonment despite the convoluted web of lies she created to achieve her intended means. i hate to be rash and join in the party who advocates longer sentences and stiffer punishments. her mental health was questioned in the book. how about the many others who were convicted of their murders or abhorred acts? therefore, the penitentiary isn't always the best solution. who can totally understand the human psyche to mete out the "correct" punishment?


Wallahualam. only God knows the punishment she will receive in the end.

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