i could gag
yes. i am desperately trying to finish up assignments. i can't concentrate on one thing. i somehow need to be doing lots of things at any one time, especially when i'm on the computer. i'd have like at least 4 Mozilla tabs open while 2 essential programs are running, trying to burn video files onto dvds, erasing unwanted files, listening to music, scanning the computer, blah blah.
so yes. i was looking up for relevant info to help with my assignment. it so happens i'm trying to get a better idea of how the freak synopsis, treatment and script differ. was googling on sample synopsis and came across a site with quite a few samples.
my reaction after reading some of them?
d i s g u s t i n g
it's not lewd or anything or what la. just plain sappy and mushy and eeky and gross and yech!! why are there romantic stories?? eeks! so cliche like. so so so so unbelievable. i quote "he is fire. she is water. together they make steam."
i'm too grossed out to even laugh! oklah. i AM emo and all that. ( i just came across a new term today EHM - emotionally high maintenance) i think i can be quite EHM. but the synopses i've read! those take the cake!! i mean, i mean. are guys like that in real-life?? do they submit themselves to women in such a fashion?? yeeeechhhhh!!
quite put off really. but i am desperately trying to get ideas on how to even start! eeeks.
FINALLY, i scroll to the top of the page and realised it's sample synopses for romance writers!! oh gosh. that explains the too many couple stories. what the freak did i just subject myself to?? NEXT!