Monday, July 23, 2007

All is well

The Harry Potter series has come to an end. (at least in book form)

Do I feel sad? Not particularly. A tinge maybe. I guess a sense of longing is more apt. Some of my favourite characters died. Abruptly. But then for those who have read the book. Death apparently isn't the end.

There can't be a Weasley twins spin off as I had hoped. That's what I'm saddest about I guess. Next would be the sweet but odd couple we got to know of in Book 6. *sigh* I think they rock. Like reeeeally rock.

Personally, I think she rounded it up pretty nicely. There were some kinks which I wished she had ironed out. But then, you gotta remember that this IS Harry Potter after all. And not about any other characters.

I'm waiting for other fans to finish reading the book. I can't wait to discuss it!!!


Yes, I am weird.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

natural anthem

It used to be Plainsunset. Now The Postal Service has taken over.

And once again, it has been proven that I get into things late. Urgh.

But. I still go back to my beloved Lamb of God. Hahahah.

Anyway. I wanted to key in "inexplicable wave of sadness, frustration, longing. and just plain maddening." but that would defeat the purpose of actually proceeding to explain the nuances of my emotions and their causes.

*shrug* I wonder if this is just part and parcel of life. That I will face this struggle no matter where I go, no matter whose company I am in. I feel so conflicted that I wonder if I am even supposed to feel this way so often!

Theoretically, I CAN just leave and be somewhere else. But. Seriously, will it be any different? Will I be accepted? (the fact that my headings do not exactly reflect my posts which are ramblings that jump from topic to topic is a good indication as to how i am) *sigh* Maybe I think too much. Maybe I think in absolute terms. Maybe I'm just an idealist. Maybe.


Faith in own self. Faith in one's own decisions. Such an obscure concept. I wanna believe that whatever decisions I made were right and were made for my own betterment. But even I can't make myself believe that.

Urgh. I have issues, I know. Is it a lack of self esteem? Probably. Coupled with a couldn't care less attitude in certain aspects, I guess I seem like a walking contradiction.

Gotta find myself and I don't even know where to start.

Good luck to me.